Problem-Solving: Overcome Setbacks With A Comeback Attitude

Help your team overcome setbacks by communicating a purpose, accepting and learning from mistakes, and embracing a positive attitude.

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Setbacks are a fact of life. It's how you respond to and overcome setbacks that sets you apart from the crowd. Here's how to take the comeback attitude:


To Help Others Overcome Setbacks, Set A Tone

The leader needs to overcome obstacles and live with a never-say-die attitude. That's how you get others to overcome setbacks, too.

"You cannot expect anybody else to be persistent if you won't," Dov Baron, CEO of Vancouver, B.C.-based leadership training and strategy firm Dov Baron International and author of "Purpose's Missing Piece," told IBD.

Find The Driving Force

People need an overarching reason to keep pushing when they hit a roadblock. That reason can't be monetary, Baron says. It won't last. If you say the company needs one key sale to pass the $1 million mark, employees won't deeply care. If you tie it to a bonus, it might work for a short time but not for the long run.

Baron tells business leaders to talk to employees about how they'll use that bonus. If an employee envisions that as a way to take a family vacation, now the incentive isn't money, it's spending time with family.

"You have to attach a purpose," Baron said. "It's not logical. It's emotional."


When you suffer a setback, look at how you contributed to it and what you can do better next time to avoid the same result, says Rick McDaniel, founder and senior pastor of Richmond Community Church in Richmond, Va.

"Look for the lesson and learn from the setback," said McDaniel, author of "Turn Your Setbacks Into Comebacks." "That's crucial."

Accept Them

Realize that everyone, even those at the top, encounters setbacks. Tiger Woods was the world's best golfer but ran into personal and health issues. Serena Williams, probably the best female tennis player of all time, also has encountered health issues and injuries. Progress is never just a straight line.

"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond," McDaniel said.

Set The Target Right

Some companies think they have a purpose when it's really a mission statement. However, if you aim to operate with integrity, that's part of a mission statement. Steve Jobs told people at Apple (AAPL) that their purpose was to "make a ding in the universe."

"Purpose is something bigger than individuals and it's specific," Baron said.

Back It Up

Jobs told Apple employees each time they had a big win that they had made that ding. That reinforced their purpose and kept them fighting to get past obstacles and overcome setbacks. But management has to firmly believe in it, too.

"The leader must be connected to the purpose," Baron said. "If not, people won't buy it."

Think Good Thoughts

McDaniel calls himself "an enormous believer" in the power of a positive attitude. You can't have the mentality that if something can go wrong, it will. Believe things will turn and you'll get past a setback.

"Comebacks happen when you restore confidence and build momentum," McDaniel said. "No one has ever had a comeback when they have a setback mentality."

Get Over It

McDaniel tells people to "release your regrets." Take responsibility for your role in the original problems, but in order to overcome setbacks don't beat yourself up over them.

"Regret only imprisons a person in self-pity," he said.

Weed Out Problems

If you have people who aren't on board with the company's purpose and won't battle adversity, get rid of them, Baron says. He worked with leaders of a company that had a star salesperson who generated more than 20% of its sales. But that person was "a diva," Baron said, refusing to follow the firm's culture and harming morale. Baron guaranteed productivity would go up if the star departed. The company let that person go and sales rose above where they had previously been.

"They had to get rid of a person who did not care about the company's purpose," Baron said.


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The post Problem-Solving: Overcome Setbacks With A Comeback Attitude appeared first on Investor's Business Daily.

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