Jay Z’s Lawyers: SEC Request Without Limit Is ‘Overreaching’Nine subpoenas resulted in nearly 11,000 pages of documentation connected to the Iconix-Rocawear deal.

[Collection]Will he or won’t he? While it’s unclear whether Shawn Carter, known professionally as Jay Z, will be in court Tuesday afternoon before U.S. District Court Judge Paul Gardephe in Manhattan, his attorneys have filed a court document stating that the Securities and Exchange Commission is “overreaching by trying to compel Mr. Carter to testify without reasonable limitation.” The matter came up when the SEC last week filed for a court order compelling Carter to comply with a subpoena. It wants Carter to answer some questions in connection with the purchase by Iconix Brand Group of the apparel brand he founded, Rocawear. The SEC’s application included documentation that indicated several requests were made, and that Carter has not yet complied. E-mails between lawyers indicated a request by Carter to limit testimony to two hours, and then to four. The SEC said that’s not enough time to ask the questions it wants to ask. The government agency said it is seeking Carter’s testimony to inquire about, “among other things, Carter’s joint ventures with Iconix.” The SEC has been probing alleged accounting irregularities at Iconix Brand Group since 2015. Iconix said in November 2015 that it would need to file restatements to certain financial reporting periods. One

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